Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Computational Modelling and Simulation - PHB904 PHB904 Module
Advanced Monte Carlo Techniques applied to Medical Physics - PHD802 PHD802 Module
Advanced Photonics - PHD803 PHD803 Module
Advanced Statistical Physics - PHC013 PHC013 Module
Applications of the scientific method - PHA906 PHA906 Module
Astrophysics and Astronomy - PHB905 PHB905 Module
Computational Physics: Modelling, Simulation and Good Practice - PHA904 PHA904 Module
Condensed Matter Physics - PHC014 PHC014 Module
Core Physics I: Foundations of Physics - PHA901 PHA901 Module
Core Physics II: Classical Physics of Particles, Fields and Devices - PHA902 PHA902 Module
Core Physics III: Quantum Physics - PHB901 PHB901 Module
Core Physics IV: Thermal and Statistical Physics - PHB902 PHB902 Module
Core Physics V: Solid State Physics - PHB907 PHB907 Module
Data, Algorithms and Numerical Optimisation - PHB906 PHB906 Module
Diploma in Industrial Studies / Placement - PHI001 PHI001 Module
Diploma in International Studies / Study Abroad Placement - PHI002 PHI002 Module
Diploma in Professional Studies/Placement - PHI003 PHI003 Module
Fundamentals of Laboratory Physics - PHA903 PHA903 Module
Fundamentals of Laboratory Physics: Natural Sciences - PHB913 PHB913 Module
Group Project - PHC902 PHC902 Module
High Energy Particle Physics - PHC803 PHC803 Module
Mathematical Methods for Interdisciplinary Sciences - PHP100 PHP100 Module
Medical Physics - PHC801 PHC801 Module
Methods, Philosophy and Frontiers of Physical Science - PHA905 PHA905 Module
Nuclear Physics - PHC802 PHC802 Module
Photonics - PHC108 PHC108 Module
Physics Final Year Project - PHC903 PHC903 Module
Physics Laboratory: Design and analysis for science and industry - PHB903 PHB903 Module
Physics of Complex Systems - PHD201 PHD201 Module
Physics of Nanodevices: from semiconductors to magnets - PHC804 PHC804 Module
Physics Research Project (MPhys Project) - PHD901 PHD901 Module
Quantum Computing - PHD230 PHD230 Module
Research Methods in Physics - PHC904 PHC904 Module
Research Project - PHP380 PHP380 Module
Research Project Planning and Preparation - PHP280 PHP280 Module
Superconductivity and Nanoscience - PHD202 PHD202 Module
Surfaces, Thin Films and High Vacuum - PHC120 PHC120 Module
Topics in Advanced Quantum Mechanics - PHD801 PHD801 Module

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